Sunday FUN-day. Everyone enjoys sleeping in on the weekends and waking up preparing breakfast, lunch, but you know what’s even more fun? Going out with your friends and having brunch! Picture this: a beautiful day, you have nowhere to be and you can take your time meeting up with your loved ones and having a great start of the day.

Brunch started out in Europe – England, and honestly, I’m a little upset that it has been 122 years and in Bulgaria we still don’t have a place or menu for brunch specifically. Therefore I took the liberty of researching and making a blog post with all places that serve “Brunch”. Let’s get into it.

*First place on our list is a favorite of mine *

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Torro Grande has a quiet and lovely atmosphere where you can definitely enjoy a brunch-like meal and not empty out your pockets - it’s not all that pricy and is a must-go! A favorite is the mini burgers. They are so good almost equals to a whole burger! A second favorite is the omelet with cheese and spinach it has all the ingredients for a breakfast but fills you up like lunch. In my opinion, the burgers go really well with a Spritzer and the omelet is good with fresh OJ.

*Another great place for Brunch is *

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Afreddo Gelateria Ice Cream House – it has a wide range of Brunch type food. For example waffles with fruit and syrup, crepes (salty and sweet), bruschetta and many more. It has a lovely terrace on the top floor and a very chill vibe. Hands down best waffles I have ever had in this city has been In Afreddo. They are the lick-your-fingers-after type of food! Don’t miss out on them even if it’s not for brunch.

*Last but not least: a true gem *

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To die for… No words can describe this place – first it is beautiful. So sweet and cozy, creme de la crème. Everyone has a preferred place for coffee and pastries, and mine is Eddy’s café. You can almost taste the love they put into the food they make. I recommend going there if you have a sweet tooth, you won’t be disappointed.

The last for this list is another favorite

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Smokini is a great place for brunch. The garden in the restaurant is very colorful and chill. The food is always made of fresh ingredients. I highly recommend getting the bruschetti with smoked salmon, and the cheesecake is to die for. You won’t be disappointed with this one. I want to add that the staff is very attentive, so if you happen to not find something you want just ask! The location also couldn’t be more perfect - its right in the center of Plovdiv, so you can have your brunch and enjoy a nice walk on the city center.

And for the final touch!

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All of the drinks that are brunch “appropriate” can be found in any of the listed places and others, and if they don’t they will still find a way to make it for you! Just remember: don’t get drunk at brunch; it’s still a little early, there will be a happy hour blog!

That’s all for this brunch list, I think there’s something for everyone’s taste in their menus and if you have trouble getting there or want some company don’t hesitate to contact us. We can enjoy brunch together!