Enjoy Plovdiv

Featured Experiences


Travelling is already plenty fun, but why not take a day and just let loose on your holiday in Bulgaria? Go on a shopping tour of Plovdiv’s Main Pedestrian Street – our fashionista/guide is here to take you on a shopping spree and point you towards all the best shopping centers, stores and boutiques in Plovdiv, with tips on what suits you best, what fits your unique style, what’s all the rage on the fashion front. Have you ever found yourself in need of a professional make-up artist’s services while on holiday in Plovdiv? We’ve got your back – our make-up artists are just a call away, and they’ll come straight to your hotel to help you look your very best. Do you like chocolate? Of course you do. Attend a chocolate tasting in Sofia or Plovdiv and enjoy a selection of fine artisan chocolate. Are you on holiday with friends and looking for things to do in Sofia? Enjoy a game of paintball. There’s a number of things that will make your visit to Bulgaria even more fun than it already was, so if you’re looking for something lighthearted, unconventional and fun-focused to do in Plovdiv or Sofia, you’ve come to the right place.

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