Welcome to Bulgaria – The land of gods

If you ask geography where Bulgaria is located the following answer would be: Bulgaria is a country in Southeast Europe, in the eastern part of the Balkan Peninsula and occupies 23% of its territory. Parliamentary Republic with capital Sofia and 28 regional centers. The population of the country is 7 million people.

But if you ask us about Bulgaria, we will tell you that it is a country lit by the sun, surrounded by magnificent mountains and beautiful sea and kissed by the gods. Paradise that captivates with hospitality, Renaissance spirit and traditions, but also immerses in modern emotions. We are ready to take there - your personal travel assistant Enjoy-Plovdiv.com Welcome to Bulgaria!

The earliest evidence of human presence on these lands dates from 150,000 years ago, in the era of the Paleolithic. From antiquity to the Dark Ages, Thracians, ancient Greeks, Celts, Goths and Romans have developed their own way of life and culture. With the arrival of the Slavs in the 6th century and a century later of the Proto-Bulgarians, the process of building the Bulgarian statehood began. In 681, the First Bulgarian State was founded, reaching its peak in the early X century, exerting a great influence on Eastern European peoples through its literary schools and literature. It existed until 1018 when it fell under Byzantine rule.

The Second Bulgarian State reached its peak in its power and territorial expansion in the first half of the 13th century and existed between 1185 and 1396 when it became part of the Ottoman Empire. In 1878, Bulgaria restored its statehood in the form of a monarchy and was freed from the Ottoman rule of five centuries. In 1946, the monarchy was replaced by a Soviet-style folk republic. The socialist system existed until 1990, after which Bulgaria assumed the path of liberal democracy and the market economy. In 2004, the country joined NATO, and in 2007 it joined the European Union. In the first half of 2018, it also chairs the Council of Europe.

In economic terms today, Bulgaria is an industrial and agrarian country with an open market economy, a medium-sized private sector and strategic state-owned enterprises. In recent years, it has achieved strong economic growth and has become an increasingly attractive place for foreign investment. The total length of the state border is 2245 km, of which 1181 km are terrestrial, 686 km - river (mainly along the Danube) and 378 km - sea.

The country comprises parts of the different regions known in the classical era as Moesia, Thrace and Macedonia. Approximately 30% of the area is plains and plaza and hills occupy about 41%.The south-western part of the country has a more pronounced mountainous character, with Rila and Pirin, and to the east are the lower but more extensive Rhodope Mountains. In Rila is the highest peak on the Balkan Peninsula - Musala, with a height of 2925 m. The Balkan chain crosses half the country from west to east, north of the Pink Valley. The hilly and flat landscape are more typical for the southeastern parts, along the Black Sea coast, as well as the main river of Bulgaria - the Danube, to the north.

Strandja is the highest mountain in the southeast. Dobrudja is Bulgaria’s most flat area with low and few heights. The country has a well-developed river network of about 540 rivers. Most of them pass through mountain areas. The longest river, located exclusively on Bulgarian territory, is Iskar, with a length of 368 km. Other larger rivers are Struma and Maritsa.

The temperate climate prevails in Bulgaria, with cold winter and hot summer. Southern breeze makes the Bulgarian Black Sea coast one of the most suitable places for summer holidays in Europe. But the most precious of the state are its people. The elders say that there is no better, fighter, hardworking and hospitable people than the Bulgarian. That’s why, for millennia, these lands have been protected by the Gods.

This is Bulgaria - a country of gods, colors, many historical events, but a place with its own unique appearance and character. Let us show it to you!