Many people think that the group trips are terrible. But that isn’t right. If you haven’t been traveling with a group so far, you don’t like to diversify. Travelers often reject the idea of an organized excursion because they consider it commercial. In fact, traveling with a group has many advantages. Enjoy Plovdiv have 16 years of experience in organizing various outdoor activities or cultural trips. What distinguishes our excursions from the rest is that we pay special attention to every detail and we are fully committed to provide you with an incredible experience that you can repeat with pleasure again. Our idea is to get you in the spirit of Plovdiv and see every beautiful place in the city and Bulgaria. Group excursions are a great adventure and a real experience. It can always be fun and interesting. Choose a small group of people you would like to spend a great time with and choose the most atypical place you want to visit. We guarantee that you will get great.

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For most people, organized excursions mean crowded buses, window pictures, unpleasant hotels. You believe that you have to keep strict schedules. In fact, well-organized trips can be very enjoyable - with selected destinations, hikes and many other interesting activities, regardless of the large group. You also have the opportunity to meet new people and have fun. On the schedules you choose which activities to include and which ones don’t. You always have the opportunity to get a little out of the group. Don’t think that you don’t have free time on these excursions and are pressed by time. Of course, it is important to keep track of your departure hours, yet you are in a group.

Advantages and amenities of group excursions

• No stress - The first advantage is that you do not drive but someone else. Don’t commit to think about the road and the people you are driving. This is definitely an extra tension.

• Organization - Everything is organized by another. You don’t have to think about the way, the How to find Cheap Accommodation or choose different destinations to visit.

• Guides - The presence of a guide is the biggest advantage of trips with groups. Isn’t it great to have a person who has so much information? And you can always ask your questions.

• Local guides - Tourist companies also work with local guides. Expect to hear more interesting information. You will certainly learn more than yourself.

• Forget about wandering along the road - Those moments, which you wander for the direction you should choose - forget them. With the presence of drivers and guides, there is nothing to go wrong.

• New Contacts - You can meet new people and have a lot of fun.

• Discounts for groups - Remember that when you are in a group, you get a discount on the entrances to some landmarks. For this purpose, it is good for your driver to arrange everything in advance.

• The risk of being cheated decreases - when you plan your excursions yourself and browse different sites, sometimes the photos don’t respond to reality. When you choose a travel agency, you sign a contract. You get what you have been promised and paid for.

Try to experiment and if you haven’t traveled with a group yet, do it! There are different possibilities to see the world! Think about these benefits and hurry up to join one of our one-day trips near Plovdiv. Our flexible holiday packages allow you to choose whether you want lunch, airport transfers, a guided tour with a local guide and more. No matter what you choose and whether you are on a family holiday or yourself, Bulgaria has something to offer you and we too. We’re here to make your holiday more comfortable and unforgettable.