The lights in “Kapana” will welcome every newborn baby in Plovdiv

The street lighting in the Kapana district in Plovdiv will pulsate every time a child is born. The lighting is connected to the maternity wards of 4 hospitals. At each birth, the attendants will press a button that will announce the appearance of a baby, and the lights will flash. The beginning is tonight. The installation of the pulsating lighting on Hristo Dyukmedzhiev and Joakim Gruev streets has already been completed.

The project is part of the program “Plovdiv - European Capital of Culture 2019” and is implemented under the motto “Born Today”. It is the work of the Italian artist Alberto Garuti.

A stone plaque has been installed near the lamps of Kapana, on which everyone can read more about the initiative and its purpose, namely - to awaken in the citizens empathy, happiness and a sense of belonging.