Enjoy Plovdiv

Bungee Jumping Facebook Icon Twitter Icon Email Icon


Bungee Jumping - one of the most mind-blowing experiences in the world! Feel an adrenaline rush you’ll never forget!


• Enjoy a heavy dose of adrenaline!

• Conquer your fears and jump from as high as 70 meters

• Take your significant other on the date of a lifetime and do a tandem jump


An adventure everyone needs to experience at least once in their lifetime! All you have to do is trust our team of professionally trained instructors and they will take care of your safety and assist you. Step towards the edge, gather your courage, jump over and let gravity do the rest! Challenge a loved one! Give them the gift of adrenaline, excitement, and a memory to last a lifetime! Get a voucher for a tandem jump with your significant other and take them out on a truly unique date!

Price per person

Depending on the location

• Entrance of the “Prohodna” cave – 43m – 30 € /validity 6 months/

• Bridge near “Klisoura” 70m – 30 €/validity 6 months/

• Bridge in “Bunovo” 30m – 21 €/validity 6 months/

• Gabrovo 30m – 21 €/Valid until October 15th/

• Rousse / Pisanets / 65 m. – 30 € /Valid until October 22/

• Kovach /Burgas / 48m – 30 € /Valid until August 13th/

Tandem bungee jumps /for two in an embrace/ are made from Prohodna (61 €) and Bunovo (49 €).

Maximum total weight - 250 kg.

Inclusions/ exclusions

The price includes

• Equipment

• The services of an instructor

The price does not include

• Video recording of your jump: 11 €


Cancellation: within 30 days of the date of purchase

Maximum weight: 110kg. Heavier people can jump with a tandem tether.

Minimum age: 12 years. Minors must be accompanied by a parent, who needs to sign a declaration of consent.

Bungee jumping is not recommended for people with high blood pressure, heart problems, people with severe eye conditions and other stress-sensitive health issues.

45 €

per person



2074 Буново, България

Starting point - Bunovo, Bulgaria

30 min

Spring, Summer, Autumn

Live tour guide available in English

Maxiumum number of participants - 10 people