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The mystical and unknown Strandzha Facebook Icon Twitter Icon Email Icon


“When God decided to create Strandzha, he smiled. And from this divine smile she was born,” say the people living in the most beautiful and mysterious mountain, stretched out on the territory of two countries - Bulgaria and Turkey. Two-day tour in the mythical and ancient Strandzha.


Explore the beautiful nature

Discover mysterious and captivating places

Learn some of the oldest traditions in Bulgaria while visiting its small rural villages


Day 1

That is why the mountain is full of discovered and still undiscovered Thracian sanctuaries, dolmens and facilities, some of which date back to … Atlantic times! It was in Strandzha that the bones of giants were found, which were immediately covered up. And this is proof that most of the Atlanteans who survived the cataclysm, who spread their culture among the local Thracian population, probably took refuge here in antiquity. In general, Strandzha Mountain is rich in mysteries. Here legends intertwine with facts, and science with mysticism.

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Undoubtedly the biggest mystery, however, remains the so-called Bastet’s tomb. In the late 80s of the twentieth century there was a legend that at the foot of Gradishte, the highest peak of the mountain, was buried the Egyptian goddess with a cat’s head. It is said that her sanctuary is a portal to another dimension in space. There is an Egyptian pyramid built around the tenth century BC. and covered with tons of earth and pieces of rock to hide.

The version was taken up by the military, who stumbled on the mysteries in the hole of the Queen for years. The most common legend says that Strandzha - the younger sister of Stara Planina, like her was a wonderfully beautiful girl, but for some reason no one dared to ask her for a wife. Then she left her family and settled far away with her relatives. Soon she gathered a lot of people she protected. Like the Amazons, Strandzha wore men’s clothes, loved to ride long distances and swim in the sea. Many candidates came to ask her for a wife, but she returned them all, until one day a large group of black men, led by their king, came with the clear intention of not leaving without Strandzha. It was impossible to refuse or get away. But at that moment the earth shook, the sea and the rivers raged, terrible chaos ensued. When everything calmed down, there were new mountains, the sea of ​​white became cloudy and black, and there was no trace of black people. Thus, according to the legend, the ancient mountain was formed, which people named after its first settlement - Strandzha, and the sea, whose waters washed its foothills - the Black Sea. And in order to protect the mountain and the land from bad people, the inhabitants of these places built many forts and fortress walls, which became the eternal guardian of the beautiful Bulgarian land.

One of the significant discoveries shedding light on the spiritual world of the ancient Thracians was made in 2003. 5-6 km north of Primorsko, in the area of the former residence “Pearl”.

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Beglik Tash is a megalithic complex with a central stone platform, around which are located several groups of stones with different applications. The total area of the sanctuary is 6 decares. It is believed that the cult of the Sun God and that of the Mother Goddess was served here. At the same time with its function as a temple, it was both a calendar and a clock, which is evidenced by specific “steps” carved into the rocks and a stone group dividing the day into parts.

The highest place in the Bulgarian territory of Strandzha Mountain is Golyamo Gradishte peak - 710 m above sea level. The peak takes its name from a fortress built here since ancient times. It served as a shelter and security guard in the region during Roman times. It is built of stones of different sizes and shapes, tightly arranged next to each other. Few remains of premises have been discovered in it. To the southwest of here, rock holes have been found in the ground rock, which are from a much earlier period. This place was a rock sanctuary, which later began to act as a fortress. So well preserved over the millennia, this interesting site has not been studied by archaeologists, because in this area there is no opportunity for excavations. Even not so famous for mountain lovers Golyamo Gradishte peak is one of the interesting places in the mystical Strandzha, which still keeps centuries-old secrets.

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The sanctuary in Mishkova niva is one of the oldest ancient Thracian sanctuaries in Strandzha. In addition, the domed temple, which is a kind of center of the sanctuary is unique in terms of architecture and in the words of Prof. Peter Delev, one of the main researchers of the sanctuary, “has no direct analogies and ranks among the important monuments of tomb construction in Thrace during the Roman imperial age. ” The ancient mound necropolis in the area of ​​Propada. The domed tomb of Propada is a magnificent example of Thracian cult architecture. It is located 3 km northwest of Malko Tarnovo, on top of a low hill, giving rise to a necropolis of 40 mounds. It was discovered in 1979. The dome tomb is probably dated to the 5th - 3rd century BC. and has the characteristic architecture of the Thracian cult buildings under a mound. The Propada area, in which about 40 burial mounds have been discovered, is located on a hill rising 3 km northwest of Malko Tarnovo.

At the top of the hill was discovered a Thracian domed tomb with a probable date V - III century BC. with the characteristic architecture of the Thracian cult buildings under a mound.

Day 2

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The chapel with holy spring “St. Marina “is located in the area” Mahalata “about 6 km southeast of Malko Tarnovo. It is located on the right bank of the Montenegrin River (left tributary of the Rezovska River), in a wooded virgin area.

The holy place has been known to the locals since time immemorial. It is located on the land of the long-displaced village of Mahalata, whose inhabitants, driven by Turkish atrocities, settled in Malko Tarnovo. It is known that during their settlement the neighborhoods occupied the southeastern part of the town, around the Great Vris, and that they came with their priest priest Nikola, after whom the Popnikolova neighborhood of Malotarnovo was named.

Indipasha is located at the bottom of a deep valley called Ayazmensky, through which flows the small river Rezovska, a tributary of the river Veleka. The paradise place in Strandzha is known for its miracles for more than three or four millennia. Legend has it that Thracian priestesses performed sacrifices in a secluded place in the heart of the Strandzha Mountains and thus predicted the future. Only the initiates knew the way to the consecration, guided by the solar circles carved on the rocks.

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It is also said that the water of Indipasha is the most healing on the Sunday after Easter. But why, there is no explanation. According to the scientists who measured the water, it, as a liquid crystal, has retained in its crystal structure many of the deposits over the millennia, whence its hardness. Analyzes show that water has the strongest healing properties on the immune, cardiovascular, respiratory system, senses and the musculoskeletal system, as well as in some types of tumors, anemia and bad energies.

The Thracian rock sanctuary Kamaka (Kamenna Barchina), one of the rare similar sacred sites in Strandzha, is located 10 km from Malko Tarnovo in the direction of Tsarevo, in the area of ​​Kamenska Barchina. It is a complex of interesting rock formations of conglomerate rocks, rare for Strandzha, used in antiquity by the Thracians as a sanctuary. Here, on the relatively flat southern rock, in a very bright and high place are carved “solar circles”. They are associated with the sun cult and the god Apollo. It is for this reason that sanctuaries of this type are located in open, all-day sunlit places. Archaeoastronomical research proves that 2,500 BC. at this place the sunrise of the Sun God was observed on the day of the summer solstice and rituals important for the Orphic religious and philosophical system of the ancient Thracians were performed.

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Included \ Not Included

###The price includes

  • Transfer

  • Tourist guide

  • Overnight

85 €

per person



Starting point Plovdiv

2 Days


Guide in English language

Numer maximum of participants - 10