Enjoy Plovdiv

City Walking Tour of Plovdiv Facebook Icon Twitter Icon Email Icon


This tour of Plovdiv manages to capture the essence of the history, heritage and traditions of the city along with its main attractions, all in the span of 2.5 hours Explore Plovdiv and walk among the remnants of ancient civilizations. Get an idea of how the local people live. One of the most ancient currently inhabited city in Europe, with a history that dates back to 6th millennium BC, Plovdiv is a rich tapestry of several different cultures and historical periods and a definite must-see for any traveler.


• Walk on the longest pedestrian street in Europe

• Experience our culture in the Revival Old Town

• Enjoy a view of the city from atop Nebet Tepe hill

• See the hills of Plovdiv

• Discover the Ancient Roman Theatre

• Visit the Roman Stadium

• Get in touch with the local art scene at Kapana

• See the best souvenir shops


Our walking tour of Plovdiv begins at the renovetd Roman Forum which is the historic center of the Roman city. It was where the ancient market was. There you will have time for photos and you will learn what life was in the Roman times.

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We will go through the Main Street, which is the longest pedestrian street in Europe. We will see the City Hall, and will go for a walk around iconic locations. We’ll drop by the Roman Stadium, a circus, built around 2000 years ago, and an architectural marvel, most of which has not been excavated yet.

We continue down Kapana District, which we call the Arts and Crafts area of Plovdiv. We will see where the local artists work, and where the local people go for a dinner and drinks. From there we go into the Old Town, with its beautiful Revival houses. We will understand what the Bulgarian Rennaissance was, and how we gained our independence.

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Then we will conquer a hill, known as Nebet Tepe, where we will see the best view of the city, on the place where 6000 years ago the first settelment of Plovdiv was created.

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Afterwards we keep walking to the Ethnographic Museum, which houses a collection of 40 000 cultural artifacts, including furniture, musical instruments, clothing, pottery, tools and household objects, it offers a unique look into the lifestyle of the people who inhabited this region in the past. The museum itself is an intricately decorated Bulgarian Revival Period house heavily featuring Baroque elements.

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We finish the walk next to the Roman Theatre, which was built around 2000 years ago. It was used for theatrical events, and was uncovered last century. Nowadays it is one of the best preserved Roman theatres in the world.

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Price per person

• For a group of 21 to 30 people: 100 €

• For a group of 11 to 20 people: 90 €

• For a group of up to 10 people: 80 €

• For individual trekkers: 80 €

Inclusions / exclusions

The price includes

• Tour guide

The price does not include

• Entrance fees


Visitors are advised to wear comfortable shoes – the tour involves walking through the cobbled streets of the Old Town.

For groups over 10 people - conatct us!

10 €

per person


Plovdiv Tours

Plovdiv, Bulgaria

Starting point - Roman Forum

2.5 hours

Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter

Live tour guide available in English

Maxiumum number of participants - 30 people