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Waterfalls Canyon Ecotrail Facebook Icon Twitter Icon Email Icon


This eco-trail takes you to the Canyon of Waterfalls – one of the most breathtakingly beautiful places in the Rhodope mountains. With more than 40 waterfalls of varying sizes, a lush forest, vantage points offering spectacular views of the surrounding mountain slopes, and designated rest areas along the way, it’s a nature-lover’s dream come true!


• See Orpheus Falls, 68 m – the highest waterfall on the trail

• Visit 40 other waterfalls of varying shapes and sizes

• Explore a beautiful forest

• Enjoy a view from the highest point of the trail towards the canyon, with the city of Smolyan visible in the distance

• It’s a short distance away from natural landmarks like Yagodina cave, the Devil’s Throat cave, a mineral pool and a children’s water park

• Learn about the flora and fauna from our guide


Waterfalls Canyon is in the Rhodope mountains, near the city of Smolyan. The trail itself is part of the Soskovcheto nature reserve. Our journey takes us over small bridges, past benches, gazebos, greenery and wildlife, and gorgeous views in every direction.

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The main draw to this area are, of course, the waterfalls – between 40 and 50 in number, the most distinct of which have names. The so called “Cascades” are a set of several waterfalls that run down the cliffs in a wide flow like a veil. The tallest waterfall is “Orpheus” (68 m), named after the mythical musician, due to the way the water disperses in rivulets like a lyre. The so called “Heart” owes its name to its heart-shaped flow. The “Reservoirs” flow into the gaps in the cliff side, filling them with water like natural reservoirs. The culmination of the trail, just past the last waterfall, are the three vantage points offering a view towards the canyon itself and the landscapes beyond it.

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The trail is 6 km long and takes about 4 hours at a regular pace and loops back to its starting point, so we won’t have to backtrack. There will be break pauses at the designated benches along the way, and plenty of time for pictures. Bulgaria is home to many breathtakingly beautiful waterfalls. If you enjoyed this eco-trail, you’ll also like the Bachkovo waterfal and Slivodolsko Padalo waterfall.

Price per person

• For a group of 6 or more: 30 €

• For a group of 2-5: 50 €

• For individual tourists: 80 €

Inclusions/ exclusions

The price includes

• A guide

The price does not include

• Transfers (available on request)

• Lunch


The best time to go on this hike is in the spring, when the rivers (and, by extension, the waterfalls) are at their fullest.

Price for groups of over 10 people: on request.

No special equipment is needed, just comfortable walking shoes.

Denivelation: 700 m

Highest point: 1800 m above sea level

29 €

per person



Смолян, България

Starting point - Plovdiv, Bulgaria

5 hours

Spring, Summer

Mountain guide in English

Maxiumum number of participants - 10 people